January: Decide. Commit. Succeed.

One month down!  And what a great month it was.

My focus for January was "Decide: 'Decision is the ultimate power.  Decisions shape destiny.' (Tony Robbins)."  I chose to focus on decide for my first month because, for me, it is a foundational principle.  Many of you know that I hate making decisions; whenever I make a decision my anxiety flares up.  So in order to accomplish the other goals and topics I have set for this year, I needed to focus some severe time and attention on my decision making skills.

Goal 1: PLAN - "Start Tidying and Happiness Project."
To start me off, I read "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by @MarieKondo and "The Happiness Project" by @gretchenrubin.  Needless to say, this is a work in progress; but I feel like I can say that I accomplished this.  I wanted to start with this because in @MarieKondo's book she explains that when we master the ability to decide what to keep (not what to get rid of!) that we empower ourselves to make decisions in other aspects of our life.  This was an eye opening concept to me, so I wanted to practice and master this ability - who does not want to be EMPOWERED?!  I do.  And though I am still working on tidying, I have already found that my ability to make decisions has improved.  I should be keeping better track, but I think I have sent about 10-15 bags and boxes to DI already!  I have lots still to go through to see what brings me JOY, but I feel a little lighter and stronger each day that I take time to tidy.  Here is to letting go of the past, looking toward to future, and finding joy in the small things!

Goal 2: MOTIVATION - "Exercise each day."
I will admit that I was not perfect with this one, but I came pretty darn close, which makes me super proud.  I can successfully say though that I feel better when I decide to do something, even if it is just walking for 10 minutes; you do not need to do a long workout to feel better, little things can bring big results and changes.  Workouts I like to do: kickboxing, zumba, and @LucyWyndhamRead's YouTube videos (she is amazing, and British-which for some reason makes me enjoy her videos that much more!).  Find something you like to do and that you have fun doing; it will be hard to decide to exercise when you feel forced into.

Goal 3: IDENTIFY - "Discover a new strength."
Alright, this might seem like an odd discovery, but I honestly did not pay attention to this until a conversation Shawn and I had last night.  Two things happen when I make a decision: (1) I feel good about it and I feel joy, and (2) I do everything in my power to achieve what I have decided to do.  Now for some of you are probably like, "Well, duh!  Why would you decide to do something if it did not bring you joy?  And of course you are going to work hard to make it happen. *face palm*"  I just had not paid attention to that before, and that is a strength I have: to work hard and find joy in that work!  Growing up my dad taught me that attitude is everything, and I have done my best to apply that into everything I do.  When I have a positive attitude, make a decision, feel good about it, and work my hardest to achieve it, I am unstoppable.  And that gives me even more confidence to keep making choices and to keep working towards becoming my best self.

Goal 4: ACTION - "Find and buy a new[er] car."
Done!  I blogged about this earlier this month (Hello, Goodbye).  The only thing I will add to this is that I knew it would be a good day when we walked into the CarMax because Toby Keith was playing, and that should be a positive sign for anyone!

Goal 5: LONG-TERM - "Learn what I want out of life."
Wow!  What was I thinking making this goal?  This seems like a loaded statement...  In many ways, I have figured out what I want out of life.  But the cool thing about this question is that I get to keep applying my decision making skills and finding joy in hard work.  Yay for me!  Since this is a constantly evolving question, I do not think I can give a proper answer right now.  But I know a little more about who I am, what my goals are, and how to achieve them; so that is a win, right?

I am so grateful for this month of deciding, and for what I have learned through various experiences and these goals I set.  I feel one step closer to being my true, best, empowered self!  Set a goal; work to achieve it; let go and move forward.  On to next month!  Stay tuned.



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